Species: Sand fish
Texture: Thick meat and deep linings
Origin: Southern Pacific Sea (shallow water reefs between South Australia, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea)
Suitable for: Braised with meat, abalone and fish maw, or soup boiling
Very important rule: all the Utensils and pots must be oil /grease and rice free throughout the whole process and absolutely cleaned
(1) Day 1 Evening - unpack and wash the sea cucumbers, soak in a pot of water and cover lid
(2) Day 2 Morning - boil pot of water in high heat and put in sea cucumbers. After water comes to a rolling boil, boil sea cucumbers for 10 mins. Off fire and let water cool down. Change with a fresh pot of water in the late afternoon and night with the lid covered (ensure Sea cucumber is fully submerged in the water; top up with fresh water if necessary)
(3) Day 3 Morning - extract sea cucumbers and remove internal organs, gently scrub off the inner membranes, wash clean. Prepare a fresh pot of water and put in the sea cucumbers. Boil in high heat and off the fire immediately after the water comes to a rolling boil. Change with a fresh pot of water in the late afternoon and night with the lid covered (ensure Sea cucumber is fully submerged in the water; top up with fresh water if necessary) (ensure Sea cucumber is fully submerged in the water; top up with fresh water if necessary)
(4) Day 4 Morning - check whether Sea cucumbers have expanded and softened.
(a) If yes, prepare a fresh pot of water or tupperware and soak the sea cucumbers (pot or tupperware must be covered) in the fridge. (change water in the late afternoon and night)
(b) If no, repeat boiling process (off fire immediately after water comes to a rolling boil) and soak sea cucumbers in fridge in the next day
(5) Day 5 Morning Storage - Gently wash the sea cucumbers with running water, keep in food wrap and store in freezer